Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Time is a Diamond

I tend to have my favorite thoughts while I am in the shower because that is when I have time to let my mind wander off on its own while I am busy tending to mundane tasks that require no mental supervision, which might explain why I so often knick myself with the razor while shaving my legs. This morning, my stream of conciousness drifted down the road of time...

Time is not linear at all. That is only our perception of it based on our progress through life and our record of history. A line exists, and it is the first dimension. Square the line, and you have a box, the second dimension. Square the box into a cube, and there is our third dimension. Square the cube so that all of its surfaces go on infinitely in all directions, and we are enveloped in the fourth dimension. This is Time.

But, why would we stop there? We are beyond where we could draw these images on paper; but mathematically, if we square the squared cube, we would have a multi-faceted diamond of intersecting points and planes, a crystallic and ethereal structure that is both self-contained and infinite.

What possibilities would this notion of time enable? Ghosts might simply be glimpses of proximous points in time, visible to us like faces in the cars we pass on the road, brief snapshots of someone else going a different way on the same path. Premonition and intuition could be likened to electrical arcs leaping among positive, negative, and neutral forces or compared to circuits that have been inadvertently completed. Deja vu is simply a momentary loop. And, even time travel might not be beyond our grasp if we mastered the matrices. Fantasy becomes conceivable as both a theory of invention and a memory of discovery in this diamond of time.

But by the time I had thought all this through, I had spent too long in the shower and was late for work again.

1 comment:

Unspoken SOPs

Unspoken SOPs Toyota engines are quiet when they hum into the garage But we know the sound, and we know what it means.  Our snacks will grow...