The kids and I went to lunch (after an interesting drive through Northside, the Stockyards, Downtown, the Cultural District, an unidentified area, and University Park while looking for the restaurant at which I had a gift card) and then we spent a few hours browsing in the bookstore because that is something we all like to do.
First, though, I tortured them by making them behave in Williams Sonoma and Pottery Barn. They got back at me back acting like dingbats at the Botanic Garden. I am quite sure I am the only mother there today who threatened to beat the hot pee out of her children (almost silently through gritted teeth, of course.)
I did say it out loud, however, when we were in the car and they were making chicken/Wookie noises all the way home. They pointed out that their racket could not be distracting my driving all that much since they had been absolutely silent while I parallel parked the car with the rear wheel 31 inches from the curb and the front tire slightly on top of it.
It was a very fun day, though, and since they are my kids, I really cannot expect them to behave any other way. Here is a bit of what our day looked like...